So, these are some "Problems" that I gave my fifth-graders to work out, based on Lesson 28 of Baltimore Catechism no. 3. No, I don't use Baltimore no. 3 for fifth grade. We are just doing this one lesson from it to reinforce their Baltimore no. 1 lesson on prayer. What do y'all think? Could you pass fifth grade Religion?
1.Sister Joan says that we can receive grace every day,
even if we cannot receive the sacraments every day. How is this true?
2. Jimmy says that he only says vocal prayers because he
doesn’t know how to practice mental prayer. Explain to him a simple way to
practice mental prayer.
3. Calvin Luther, who is not a Catholic, asks you what the
most important Catholic prayers are. What do you tell him?
4. Susan says that she always gets distracted during prayers
at school. What are some things that she can do to avoid distractions?
5. Brother John thinks that he is the holiest monk at Clear
Creek because he can say his Breviary the fastest. Explain why he is or is not
6. You and another boy are doing chores out on the farm. How
can you pray even while doing your chores?
7. Sister Perpetua says that we pray to God for rain,
because otherwise He will forget that the convent’s garden needs water. What
mistake has she made?
8. Tom prayed a novena to get a new water gun for his
birthday. When his birthday came, he did not receive a water gun. What is one
possible explanation for why God chose not to grant his prayer?
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