Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Prayer/Poem of the Week- All Are Welcome (a parody of the song by Marty Haugen)

Let us build a house where all can dwell,
And no one feels left out,
Where preachers never preach on hell
And folk are free to doubt.
Full of councils and committees
To see each smiling face;
Smaller governments have governed cities,
All are welcome! All are welcome! All are welcome in this place!

Let us build a house where hands will clap,
At every choral song;
And give us jokes that make us laugh
And make no sermon long.
Every day it's Marty Haugen,
Sung by Sister Margaret Grace,
Hey that Entrance Song is really rockin',
All are welcome! All are welcome! All are welcome in this place!


  1. Matt, I didn't think that anyone except my old Newman friends would get the reference! (Yes folks, in the Newman Center at UMass-Amherst, there is a horrendous painting of the Pieta with people standing around it that look like the Village People. I kid you not.)

  2. The Apocryphal Verse:

    Let us build a house across the street
    And tear this old one down.
    There are liturgy guidelines to meet,
    Like Church held in the round.
    Burn the chapels and the steeple,
    Put this portrait in their place:
    A Pieta with the Village People.
    All are welcome! All are welcome! All are welcome in this place!
